Sunday, May 16, 2004

Sunday Dinner

How about a lovely meal prepared by the naked chef on bush street? It is appealing, whether or not it appeals to you. I'm ready to entertain the new kid on the block, and I've painstakingly redecorated my apartment today, so he's in for quite a good show considering the source. I'd say it's a $7 show.

I've enjoyed the bachelor's life without roommates whose opinions used to matter, now don't give a fuss about anyone but myself within the confines of these windows and bricks. It's becoming borderline neurotic, the extent to which I arrange the objects which live in harmony with me, nonetheless emphasizing the tastefulness and utility of each object. I'm beginning to feel a sense of hearth now that I've splattered the canvas that was an empty apartment with my can of red paint.

Other things going on include some extremely positive and uplifting yoga sessions, timely in light of the poor surf conditions, as well as lovely strolling weather. I'm getting ready for a trip up to Tahoe in a few, and next week I'm off to glorious and charming Mt. Vernon, Indiana to visit with some people from GE. We've got a project out there that requires our immediate attention and presence.

Travel is good, food is good, friends are good... life is great. I appreciate and embrace the life that I have forged for myself. May we all forge our own lives so that they may provide us with moments that have the capacity to take your breath away... and a toast to letting oneself be swept away in the moment.