Monday, February 23, 2004

Vacation is

overdue... I gave my notice for a week, oh, a week in which I will condense the experience of coming home. It is my return to Maui, and fortunately for me, I have friends who are honest enough to highlight the bullshit in my argument (excuses) against taking this trip. This opportunity does not come around again.

This will be one of the last times that I get to share the island experience with the entire cast and crew of last year's parade. Some of them are moving on after this winter season, and I don't anticipate seeing this group together in the near future... so I hear good karma air is offering reduced fares to Hawaii next month, too. An honest friend inspired me to feed a bum, to pick up dogshit, and to pursue other random acts of generosity in order to accumulate good karma, which should be able to help me get a cheap flight.

I cannot buy into this... perhaps it's been too long since I lived aloha. My time is a commidity that is so valuable, and for this reason, my priority has got to revolve around my schedule rather than my bank balance. I would like to spend more time bleaching my hair, tanning my skin, and meditating in the ebb and flow of the pacific... for now, I will content with a week.