Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Bring on the snow, the mountains, and a board, and you've found yourself a new hobby. Got myself up in Tahoe this past weekend, with the help of a Jeep Grand Cherokee and a little help from my friends (i.e. gear, pad to crash for the weekend, and a riding partner). Dis one rippa, cuz! Got my groove on by the second half of my first day out, and was telling stories before the day was over. One good hard crash on my last run made me a little less courageous on the second day, but that only lasted a few runs before I got the wind back in me. I was carving that mountain up like a turkey before you could say "oooh... aaahhh", and next time around, I get one more perk... free lift tickets. Now I gotta figure out how to get the ride up there for free. Dis one rippa will cut the overhead until it is nearly nonexistent.

It was a totally intense and grom-like experience to relive the freshness of starting something new, feeling the grooves for the first time, and getting excited about ascending that learning curve in record time. Apparently, it takes some kind of natural ability to learn to snowboard in less than a day... what do I have to say for myself? Let's drink to that!

My body was so worked by the end of the first day, and it didn't help to take a hard fall before I got off the mountain. Nonetheless, I revel and bask in the soarness that follows such intense activity... that high will last me through the middle of the week before my body begins to scream for more.