Canine Cove
After several hours of driving in slow-moving traffic, we took a pit stop near Davis U. We followed signs from the highway leading to In-N-Out, the beloved chain that is reviving the tradition of fast food, under the premise that they offer a vegetarian burger! Stepping out of the car was like stepping into a convection oven... we soon learned that a veggie burger, In-N-Out style, is nothing more than a bun with all the fixins, less the meat.
Our destination was a beautiful, isolated campsite overlooking the Cache Creek canyon... our hosts were relaxing after spending the day playing in the creek. Just after we arrived, two other friends of the family showed up... and so the group of us newcomers set forth on an exodus to the river. We jumped into the cool water and floated along the currents and around the eddys, washing off the anxieties of the roadtrip. The hills surrounding the canyon reflected amazing orange and red hues of the setting sun.
That evening, we celebrated two birthdays and shared a magnifiscent feast of assorted wines, cheeses, grilled meats and vegetables, and cookies for dessert. Under the night sky, we gathered together in a cuddle puddle - an assortment of people, thermarests, blankets, pillows - and most importantly, love. It was a playful kind of love... we whispered sweet nothings about the beauty of the night sky, and watched the stars twinkle through the canopy of the tree hanging over us. A shooting star reminded me of Eve's presence in that moment.
The puddle began to evaporate with the rising sun, and people began to awaken the divine spirit within them. Soon the puddle was down to two, and we remained there, cuddled along the last refuge of shade, waiting for the sun to find us...
We celebrated the morning with a fabulous breakfast of eggs, bacon, grilled vegetables, coffee, pastries, fresh fruit, and artichoke quiche. The sun grew hotter every minute, and it seemed to be chasing us to the river. After breakfast, we moved camp to the creek where we established our waterfront residence... there we enjoyed the rest of the day, drinking beer, eating pitas, charging the river rapids, and watching others enjoy themselves as they passed our little cove. The real stars of the waterfront show were Kira and Zuri... our canine companions.
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